The Clock
When the oak leaf drops on a gilded cyclops
the cyclops yawns accidentally swallowing an owl
the owl had a memory of a churched woman
who gave birth to a chariot of stars
the stars hibernated in Cronos’ pocket
which contained atoms of locust and dormouse
a dormouse knows how to sleep on rising dough
to avoid falling on its face
the face of death was stuck in the hourglass
the hourglass dust covers the butterflies’ wings
in the sun the wings measure my heartbeat
which goes now nownow now nownowhere
nowhere on this planet can you find a smelling clock.
the smelling clock paused by a long-fingered lemur
the lemur divided crocodiles into hours, minutes and seconds
every second I step out of the dreamtime into the decay and delay of rooster calls
the rooster cries exhausted by the tyranny of passing moments
momentarily insects will feast on the grandfather
whose paradox wakes me up at four in the morning
the morning folds in on itself beating its Olympic record.