Rowan Lyster

If you feel yourself disintegrating

closely examine the grout
between platform tiles follow
the line with your finger
if it helps
beneath the flow of always the same faces
the woman peeling extinction rebellion stickers
off the floor is she collecting them
does she want them gone

you have observed these
or other similar faces before
because as you have noticed
all the faces have been used up
are reminded
it is extremely important
to breathe not just once
but again & again

Goat extravaganza, £50/person

as you drive away goats
will be chewing your scarf
dry tongues of goats scratching your palm
rummaging under the seats for kibbles
their crafty goat eyes catching yours
in the rear-view mirror
the whole way home
strutting up the garden path
sidelong pupils in the shower glass
when you clean your teeth
the whiff of a goat as you fall asleep
you will wake to bleating
dressed to the nines in your clothes
goats will be reading your post
raising their quite spectacular eyebrows
answering the door to your home
two to a trench coat checking in guests
selling them kibbles in small paper bags

Rowan Lyster is a poet and arts administrator from Herefordshire, based in Bristol. Her poems have recently appeared in publications including MagmaPERVERSESPOONFEEDThe Rialto and The Scores, and her debut mini-pamphlet is coming soon from Legitimate Snack (Broken Sleep Books). She can be found online @RowanLyster.