Lindsey ColBourne & <br>Emily Meilleur

Bwystori Bethesda Bestiary


A multi-tongued gathering, portmanteau transcription, performance and entangling of 400+ species within 1km of the centre of a quarried town in North Wales. Words written in ink extracted from oak apple galls creating a rhizome between human and animal, plant and molecule. Lines spreading across taxa, living things, places. Mapping an exploration between species and sounds, to create intersections of complexity through lateral transcription at the edge of our perception.

“Only with intense commitment and collaborative work and play with other terrans, flourishing for rich multispecies assemblages that include people will be possible” - Donna Haraway


Emily Meilleur is an artist and ecologist working with people and nature creating collaborative forms. Her father was the concrete poet Childe Roland.

Lindsey Colbourne is a multi-media artist who creates collaborative inquiries and spaces of encounter by working with assemblages of different ways of knowing around a ‘site’ - a physical location, field of knowledge, conflict or cultural debate.

They are both based in Dyffryn Peris, North Wales.