Robert Sheppard is both a poet and critic, and he has also championed the discourse of poetics as a speculative, writerly discourse. His selected poems, History or Sleep, are published by Shearsman. His most recent critical work is The Meaning of Form (Palgrave), whose investigations are recast in Pulse as a critical-poetics hybrid. Knives Forks and Spoons are soon to publish his collaboration with rock photographer Trev Eales, Charms and Glitter, of which a 'gallery' appeared in the last Tentacular. He is currently working on 'The English Strain' project, which transposes sonnets from the 'tradition'. His Hap: Understudies of Thomas Wyatt's Petrarch (from KFS) is one showing of this. More recent parts are featured on his blog:
RoBert Sheppard