Andrew Wells

for the worse

tinnitus bugs
alpacas out here for when
ululations are a tinny whistle
great scotch do
take a turn

my brother says tinnitus is all in my head
espousing deep truths like

hat is not a good fit
and likely
the source of all your troubles

insisting on tinnitus changes nothing early
for the love of god man lay it over your heel


boy (!) do
entrails stain the red barn close    why

wail would be the word
roar       to de-
note defiance + fury + sort

an alpaca’s
spit  if

sizzle like
olive oil turns   violence   into
consolation    – o/
kayy    so   you   take yr   genocide  refrigerated do you?
stammered    brother  michael

Andrew Wells is the founding editor of HVTN. He is based jointly between Norwich (studying on the English Literature and Creative Writing BA at the University of East Anglia), London & South Wales.  He has reviewed for Glasgow Review of Books and his essay 'Waiting for Goals' is forthcoming with Fanzine. His poetry has appeared in 3:AM Magazine, Lighthouse, Bare Fiction, and Sharkpack 2014-2017, among others, and he has read at the Enemies Project, as part of the 'North by North West Poetry Tour', and Drawing Breat.  His first pamphlet was J/W/U  (PYRAMID Editions, 2016)