Amy Evans Bauer

from SOUND((ING))S: an on-board poetry installation


Amy Evans Bauer is an Austrian-British poet and sound artist based in London.  Her recent publications include The Report of the Iraq Enquiry: Poetic Summary (The Larynx Press, 2017) and Stalking Gerard Manley Hopkins (Salient Seedling/Woodland Pattern Book Center broadside, 2016).  Her montages appear in Jacket, M58, Molly Bloom, ZARF and elsewhere.  Her academic writing and editing focus on gender, sexuality and poetic traditions in times of political crisis.

SOUND((ING))S belongs to her ongoing sequence and follows on from CONT. (Shearsman, 2015), The Sea Quells (Shearsman, 2013) and Collecting Shells (Oystercatcher, 2011), anthologised in Dear World and Everyone In It (Bloodaxe, 2012).  She has performed the sonic work at coastal and waterfront locations across the US and UK, and at the ICA.  The transcript is due out this summer with Shearsman Press.  Listen here on the On Sea/At Sea: Performance Research YouTube channel.